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Throughout my career I have focused my energy and learning on implementing software to solve problems in my business, as well as others. I have been writing software since the 1980’s and this has included programming BASIC on early PC’s through Visual Basic, PHP, Python, Java, Javascript, and modern frameworks. I have successfully deployed enterprise level Python applications as REST services on Amazon Web Services. In addition, I have extensive experience with presentation layer technologies including HTML, CSS, and Javascript, and modern frameworks and libraries including Angular and ReactJS. I have successfully integrated data tier technologies into projects, both cloud and traditional, including MySQL, JDBC, and various Amazon Web Services data stores.

I have successfully developed and implemented long-term cloud migration strategies that evaluated all software and non-software processes within an organization. These strategies included the migration of traditional software applications to SaaS, the migration of proprietary applications to IaaS or PaaS, the creation of cloud-based applications to replace existing non-software processes, and the retention of certain applications as traditional non-cloud applications.

My current learning interests include developing machine learning applications to support aviation operations, becoming proficient with modern database technologies, including MongoDB and GraphQL, and learning software implementations in CNC and IoT.